Psychology is the scientific study of human and animal behaviour. Psychologists study behaviour in systems ranging from single cells to the individual person, from small groups to communities. Psychologists strive to describe behaviour and to understand its underlying biological and social mechanisms. This enterprise, designed to better understand human behaviour, accumulates knowledge that can help solve problems faced by individuals and by communities.
This programme on Psychology is sponsored by the Faculty of Law and Social Studies of the Philips College.
In particular, the programme aims to provide a stimulating and challenging higher level education in Psychology. The Psychology programme has been designed to encompass the latest developments in the field. The programme introduces students to a broad range of theoretical perspectives and psychological areas through the presence of core and elective subjects.
Throughout the first three years of the Honours Degree programme specific core and modules are taken to ensure that students are introduced to the general themes and perspectives that underlie the various fields of Psychology and are exposed to the major levels and forms of inquiry conducted by the different approaches to Psychology.
Furthermore the provision of core courses drawn from a number of complementary domains allows the students of the second and third year to develop a broader and more balanced perspective.
Within the first year elective subjects are taken in conjunction with the core subjects. This enables students to select from courses that both complement and supplement their understanding and application of psychology in particular and other areas of social studies in general. In the second and third year of the programme in addition to specific core subjects students can take subjects selected from a wide range of electives that cover the diverse topic areas from within Psychology. These electives allow students to enhance the knowledge foundations established in the first year. Furthermore, the elective subjects provide an understanding of the applicability of Psychology within the workplace and wider community.
Further to taking core and elective subjects, students in the fourth year of the Honours Degree programme are encouraged to utilise the knowledge areas and practical skills gained by undertaking a supervised research project. The project, which is conducted over two semesters, is presented in written form and defended orally, and the mark obtained contributes to the level of award achieved.