School Times and Term Dates

Term Dates

Every school day counts. Following changes in the law, parents are not permitted to take their children out of school during term time for holidays. Please refer to the school calendar when booking holidays:

Summer Monday 1 September 2014
Autumn mid-term Friday 24 October 2014 Monday 3 November 2014
Christmas Friday 19 December 2014 Monday 5 January 2015
Spring mid-term Friday 13 February 2015 Monday 23 February 2015
Easter Friday 2 April 2015 Monday 20 April 2015
May Bank Holiday Friday 1 May 2015 Tuesday 5 May 2015
Summer mid-term Friday 22 May 2015 Monday 1 June 2015
Summer break Tuesday 21 July 2015

Times of the School Day

Minima labore maecenas quas. Officia fermentum! Aliqua curabitur a pellentesque nostrud justo, mollitia exercitationem augue tempora condimentum potenti inceptos repellendus.

Time Activity
08:25 Registration
08:45 Lesson 1
09:45 Break
10:05 Lesson 2
11:05 Lesson 3
12:05 Lunch
12:45 Lesson 4
13:45 Lesson 5
14:45 School Closes

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